- Practice with a purpose. Don't just batter balls all day. Instead work on something in your swing or your fundamentals. This can be anything like making sure your stance is wide enough.
- Always have a target. You should always have a target to hit to. Whether that be whilst putting, chipping or driving. This will help you to focus.
- Use an aid. Golf aids can be a great way to keep you practising correctly. You don't want to get into any bad habits. One thing that I do is put down two golf clubs parallel to each other at my target. This means my alignment is always perfect.
- Spend at least 75% of your practice on short game. This is by far one of the best golf tips on practising you can give. Did you know that about 75% of golf shots are from 100 yards and in. These are scoring shots and you need to have a good short game if you want to be able to score well. Practise putting and chipping regularly and your scores will plummet.
Welcome to my blog on golf tips. Here you will find all the information you need on golf from golf tips to indoor golf simulators.
Practice makes permanent
Practising golf is not like any other sport in golf the more you practice the more you make something permanent. This means that if you are practising wrong you will actually get worse. Here I have listed some golf tips that will help you in all areas of practice.