- What are lake balls
- Where do they come from
- Where can you get them
- Are they any different than normal golf balls.
What are lake balls?
Lake balls are simply golf balls that are second hand. Lake balls are golf balls that have been used at driving ranges, on the golf course and practice areas.
Where do they come from?
Lake balls come from lakes and ponds from golf courses this is where they get their name from. They are gathered up in huge quantities and sold as practice bulks to the general public. The public then use them on practice grounds and the golf course where they may be lost again found and resold again as lake balls.
Where can you get them?
You can get lake balls virtually anywhere. You can get them in virtually every golf shop at half the price or less than brand new golf balls. The internet is also a very popular place for lake balls to be sold. Sites such as amazon and ebay are very popular places to get them.
Are they different than normal golf balls?
No lake balls are the exact same as normal golf balls expect they are not brand new, they are used. Because of this lake balls are generally sold in different categories. This is decided by the condition of the lake. Some lake balls have scratches and scuffs so because of this they will not be considered pearl grade or A grade. The higher the grade the higher the quality and the more like new the lake balls are.
lake balls